What Does Compassionate Leadership and a Healthy Company Culture look like during COVID19 in Business and WFH?

Episode Summary

Ian Sohn is a global client lead at Wunderman Thompson Central, overseeing an integrated agency team across continents and operating companies. He is a strong advocate for work/life balance, employee satisfaction and compassionate leadership and has led award-winning career and agencies doing so. I connected with Ian after his article imploring his team to stop apologizing for having lives went viral. It went from the New York Times to the GMA’s to CNBC and more. Ian walks the walk. It’s true, he does not want to know when you for your kid’s soccer game. Ian has led an award-winning career, as well as, agencies. Today we will break down why company culture and a healthy organization are the result of his leadership style and how it allows his teams to do great things in their industry. We also believe it’ll be a blueprint for other companies.

Season 1Holly Shannon